Thursday, May 31

Mary Janice Davidson: Really Unusual Bad Boys

This collection of three paranormal/fantasy romance novellas tells the stories of three shape shifting brothers and the women that fall into their enchanted kingdom and win their hearts.
The first entry, Bridefight, sees a police detective’s suicide attempt end in her magical transportation to an enchanted kingdom where she is found by a shape shifting puma, who happens to be crown prince of the realm. In this place her scars and other physical flaws are seen as things of beauty. She is worshipped appropriately by all and sundry, tricked into marriage with the prince and after some token protesting and mind-blowing sex settles into her new life.
This story didn’t particularly appeal to me. Without even beginning to address the issue of suicide as a springboard for an erotic fantasy romance, it didn’t seem consistent with the attitude of the heroine as depicted in the opening sequence and throughout the rest of the story. I saw exactly where the plot was going from the moment the heroine arrived at the hero’s castle and I was irritated beyond words that the heroine seemed unable to put two and two together. In fact, I found just about everything about the heroine irritating. Instead of sympathy for her I found myself thinking her incredibly stupid and her righteous indignation at being married without her consent unconvincing.
I did like that her scars and imperfections were seen as signs of valour and beauty but I don’t think enough was made of this. Then again, I suspect this is meant to be pure escapism. I doubt this story was ever intended to have any real depth.
I didn’t read the other two novellas in this collection. A glance at the first page of the second offering was enough for me to see that it was going to be more of the same and so unlikely to bring me more joy than that offered by the first story.
The author’s voice is certainly unique. I can see how it is that others, tired of the usual dark paranormal fare, might find her more chick lit tone appealing. But this simply wasn’t for me.-Lynn

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