Thursday, November 12

Ever - Gail Carson Levine

From the moment she sees the lithe servant at her uncle’s wedding, Kezi is attracted to him. But she has only a month to live, thanks to a vow her father made to Admat, the one true God in exchange for saving her mother’s life. That Kezi is to be sacrificed is a terrible and unforseen calamity that has her parents despairing, but one cannot break a vow to Admat and there’s no room for negotiation.
Olus has infiltrated a wedding to be closer to Kezi. With power over the winds, Olus is the youngest of the Akkan gods by many centuries; restless, he has left his homeland in search of diversion and connection with mortals. He had watched Kezi for some time before she stepped in, sacrificing herself rather than allowing her aunt to unwittingly be involved in the vow. He goes in search of this god, Admat, hoping to reason with him, but can find him nowhere.
This is new territory for Levine, who generally works within more Western myths and fairytales, and I was initially a little disappointed not to be reading one of her cleverly twisted. reimagined variants. Although I didn’t feel as involved with Ever as I have with other of her works, I did enjoy this novel of a very different world and clash of cultures, particularly the contrast between monotheism and an uninvolved (possibly non-existent) God with a pantheistic culture where the gods are decidedly present. I’d rather read her more traditional work, though. - Alex

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