Tuesday, December 19

Vegan Lunch Box - Jennifer McCann

Jennifer's been vegetarian since she was fifteen, gradually adopting a vegan diet. When her son was heading off to school for the first time, she put a lot of thought into how to create interesting, varied vegan lunches for him, and thus was born the Vegan Lunchbox blog (see links) - a photo of each lunch, with a description of the meal and comments, including a rating out of five from "Shmoo" (her son James).
I've visited Jennifer's blog regularly for over a year, always thinking how much I'd like to be as created, varied and balanced with my meals as she is. So I was delighted when I read that a book version would be available.
Vegan Lunch Box contains sixty-five complete lunches, divided into chapters for quick and easy lunches, days when there's more time to prepare, meals that can be prepared in advance, adventurous dining, and special occasions (like Thanksgiving). There are also sections discussing nutritional balance, picky eaters, and recommended sources.
There are a few photos in the centre of the book, illustrating some of the most interesting meals. Each entry was given five stars by the original luncher, who has been exposed to a more varied diet than most people twice his age. The lunches encompass a vast range of ingredients, including a number of grains, cuisines from several countries, and innovative but attractive combinations of familiar favourites.
Those who think that a vegan diet is limited, boring, or necessitates deprivation will be pleasantly surprised by this wonderful introduction, while those who already enjoy a vegan or meatless lifestyle will be inspired. I've already begun to expand my repertoire of workplace lunches, and I haven't even put any of Jennifer's ideas into practice! - Alex

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