Saturday, February 23

No Nest for the Wicket - Donna Andrews

Caerphilly's been hit by the eXtreme croquet rage, and the grounds near Meg and Michael's rambling farm house are perfect - steep hills, tweisty trees, and freely roaming sheep. It barely surprises Meg when, falling down a small and crumbling cliff edge, she almost lands on a body. The identity of the body, however, does come as a surprise, and in the process of identifying her and discovering why she was murdered, Meg uncovers a Caerphilly secret that lies at the core of the town's identity.
Of course, intertwined with this is more happenings from Meg's convoluted and lovable family, her father's latest obsession (ducks), which leads to the discovery of another body, the return of the Sprockets, the ongoing menace of Spike (the world's nasties small dog), and insights into the realities of small town life. Plus, of course, the sheer ludicrous hilarity of eXtreme croquet (not quite as rugged as Lynn's favourite extreme sport, extreme ironing, but a little more fun). I think I need to read this series spaced further apart, so I can savour each one and thereby write reviews that do it justice, but I know that's just not going to happen - Alex

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